Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Under the Ironed Sheets - A Fan Tribute CD to Keane

Every time a tribute album comes out we have the probably of the quality inconsistency amongst the bands contributing to the project. This one follows the same rule. I would say that Tom's voice is probably one of the key elements of Keane's sound, which becomes quite evident listening through this sub-par tribute CD. I know that no one here is an accomplished musician, but just a die hard fan... Hamburg Song is probably one of those interesting and worth listening to.
+ Under the Ironed Sheets - Keane Tribute CD

1 comment:

Lo Jay said...

Hi! I would like to thank you for your comment that I just found out. I'm actually Lo Jay, the female singer and guitar player who covered Hamburg Song ont that tribute ;-), my website will be in English beginning Octber. Take care